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Requiem for a Glacier: Mourning Climate Change
The video installation moves back and forth between whole and split screens, an effective way of showing the terrain as the viewer gets to see the site and...
Requiem for a Glacier: Mourning Climate Change
Several times throughout the piece, the camera focuses upon the conductor. He stands alone, in the centre of the screen on an outcropping of rocks, facing the glacier in his tuxedo...
Requiem for a Glacier: Mourning Climate Change
In another section of the video installation, a woman attached to a safety rope, slowly and methodically walks across the glacier. She is singing with sheets of music in her hand, seemingly communing with, and offering homage to, the...
Requiem for a Glacier: Mourning Climate Change
The installation of Requiem for a Glacier at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is particularly effective. The twenty-two-foot-long screen takes up the entire wall of the gallery, reflecting the monumentality of the site. As...
Requiem for a Glacier: Mourning Climate Change
Another strength of the piece is the use of close-ups of the terrain of the glacier, many of which focus of the large rivulets of water flowing downward. In a number of shots, the...
Editor's Note
These questions seem particularly poignant as we enter our second Fall season of the pandemic. With almost 27,000 deaths in Canada from the disease and a fourth wave...
Materiality, Interaction, and the Other: Colton Hash & Freya Olafson
Victoria, BC based artist Colton Hash’s work deals directly with the data produced by the physical world and reflects it in a digital space. The relationship he creates between physical, data,...
Materiality, Interaction, and the Other: Colton Hash & Freya Olafson
Hash’s Acoustic Turbulence (2019) also mixes the physical and digital by using the Unity WebGL platform to allow viewers to interact with hydrophone data from Ocean Networks Canada.1Although the interactions are less complex...
Materiality, Interaction, and the Other: Colton Hash & Freya Olafson
Winnipeg, MB artist Freya Olafson’s work addresses these questions through an exploration of the body as material. Olafson uses the physical body and digital representations of the body to interrogate how the body can be used...
Materiality, Interaction, and the Other: Colton Hash & Freya Olafson
In Disembodied Beings (2019), Olafson contemplates the relationship between the corporeal and digital body by mirroring a video of a physical person with the movements of the avatar, overlaid with an audio description of...