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Serenity, Destruction & Inauthenticity: The Transformation of Alberta in BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and THE REVENANT
The Revenant places a similar emphasis on incapacitation, but the source of Glass’ difficulties is the active danger of the narrative environment. Gone is the deceptive calm of landscapes,...
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Serenity, Destruction & Inauthenticity: The Transformation of Alberta in BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and THE REVENANT
Both films are about the inherent tensions of difference and diversity, between truth and lies – a natural fit for works that pass Western Canada as elsewhere in...
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Serenity, Destruction & Inauthenticity: The Transformation of Alberta in BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and THE REVENANT
The entire foundations of their separate lives are as false as the searing image of Ennis and Alma’s trailer home, a perfect “L” shape aligned with a small...
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Serenity, Destruction & Inauthenticity: The Transformation of Alberta in BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and THE REVENANT
Fitzgerald’s understanding is that the brutality of the world around them can only justify atheism: “In that moment, he told me, he found God. And it turns out,...
Digging in the Dirt: Uncovering the Silent Epidemic Among Albertan Oil Workers
The 2019 documentary Digging in the Dirt, co-directed by Dylan Rhys Howard and Omar Mouallem, is an exploration of the mental health crisis in the lives of Albertan...
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Digging in the Dirt: Uncovering the Silent Epidemic Among Albertan Oil Workers
Digging in the Dirt is Howard’s first feature-length film: “I went to film school because I wanted more than anything … to make movies that reach people and...
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