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A Revolution (Briefly) Embodied
For many in the Canadian South, there is Atanarjuat and then there is everything that came before: a pliable history whose key players are Robert Flaherty, the National Film Board and local broadcasting societies....
Can Writing About Art Be Art?
Between July 19th and August 15th 2015, Jeanne Randolph and Jacob Wren worked closely with three Calgary-based writers—Bodgan Cheta, Jillian Fleck, and JD Mersault—to examine, theorize, and actualize the intersection...
By A Shift Of Distance
Stylistically, Robert Altman is renowned for ensemble casts, resisting the bounds of any one genre and for a constantly moving camera that plays venue to evolving worlds, lengthy dialogues...
Double Visions: Stephen Broomer & Kyle Whitehead in Dialogue
SB: Your description makes me think of the notion of spooky action: action at a distance, the notion in physics that—if I may abuse it and bend it...
Double Visions: Stephen Broomer & Kyle Whitehead in Dialogue
KW: Exactly right. The problem inherent in cinema, or at least the problem I struggle with most, is that there is a tendency to premeditate reality before capturing...
Double Visions: Stephen Broomer & Kyle Whitehead in Dialogue
SB: Well, when I say singularity here, I don’t mean that the two actions join into a singular perspective, which is nowhere near my intention. Rather I mean...
Reclaiming the North
Gould’s interview subjects are, like himself, southerners who have, for some reason or another, temporarily journeyed to the North. The thread of thought that unifies these characters is a...
Editor's Note
"We were taught art history wrong." Allison Leigh[], Postdoctoral Fellow at Cooper Union, stood up in a room full of the world’s most influential Media Art Historians and ethicists—a room built...
By A Shift Of Distance
3 Women demonstrates how Altman's creative development has arrived at an apt capability to eloquently explore more complex and stranger aspects of human nature by 1977. McCabe & Mrs....
By A Shift Of Distance
What is additionally enriching for any cultural discourse is how Altman dissolves the boundaries of private and public spaces throughout the film. In the aforementioned mass pile up, Nashville...