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“A New Chivalry”: The Calgary Stampede on Film
The Girl from Calgary starts with an image of a Stampede poster and seven minutes of newsreel footage, including showing the Stampede Parade marching past the Hudson’s Bay building...
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“A New Chivalry”: The Calgary Stampede on Film
Made 16 years later, the colour Western Northwest Stampede is a considerably more lavish production. It seems to repurpose a few elements from The Calgary Stampede, including a rodeo...
Hopping for Hope: Ahreum Lee at The New Gallery
Ahreum Lee’s exhibition Hopping for Hope at The New Gallery in Calgary re-imagines childhood games on a global scale, posing questions about ownership, borders, and global identity. The show...
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Hopping for Hope: Ahreum Lee at The New Gallery
Like meridians on a map, the exhibition occupies the gallery space with diagonal lines made of tape and black circles, semi-circles, and arrows. This is Lee’s take on...
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Hopping for Hope: Ahreum Lee at The New Gallery
During the opening of the show, people slipped off their shoes and tried to hop the entire map on one foot, to cheers and encouragement from the crowd....
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Hopping for Hope: Ahreum Lee at The New Gallery
The video incorporates footage of the East Asian pseudoscience Cheok Ji Beob, which translates to “the way to make the world smaller.”1One of the principles of Cheok Ji Beob...
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