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Concrete constructs of linearity
On the morning following the performance, Kite and I sat together and shared familial anecdotes as a way of circumnavigating the work. We shared our childhood fantasies and mysticisms,...
Punning Photography’s Legacy: His dreadful glance
This is less an exhibition of photographs than an exploration of the scopic imperatives that underlay the history and practice of photography. While all representational art relies on mimesis,...
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Punning Photography’s Legacy: His dreadful glance
This effort to make strange is heralded in the entrance to the exhibition, where the corkboards along the narrow entrance corridor have been ‘curated’ by the artist, who carefully...
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Punning Photography’s Legacy: His dreadful glance
Directly ahead of the viewer on entering the exhibition is a framed page torn from a photography manual defining and explaining the use of available light. The page...
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Punning Photography’s Legacy: His dreadful glance
Two untitled works—Untitled (unravel - front) and Untitled (unravel - back)—resembling rayographs present fragments of twigs and vegetal debris. While appearing to be contact prints, they are digital ink jet prints, trifling...
On Collectives, Projects, Film Itself, and a Sausage Factory
*KEVIN RICE: Based on your experience with Double Negative[], what do you think is the most critical function that a film collective serves, both for the individual filmmaker as...
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