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Being Artful: An Interview with Multimedia Artist Brad Necyk
*SC: Due to these diverse mediums, you exhibit shows in a number of different contexts and gallery spaces. In Alberta alone to start 2020 you're participating in the...
That Battle is Over, Girl: Alice Schoenberg
I first met Schoenberg at the Alberta University of the Arts together where we both graduated in April 2019. Despite having only had one class together in our...
That Battle is Over, Girl: Alice Schoenberg
Her superwoman character appears in THIS IS A PROTEST (2018), performed in the dark and highlighted by a strong incandescent spotlight, and a projection on the back wall. The...
Matthew Rankin Asks “Who Owns The Twentieth Century”?
*GC: I feel like it comes across in the film. Even the acting, everyone seems very much living in the world you created. It’s like they bought in...
- 019 Winter
Matthew Rankin Asks “Who Owns The Twentieth Century”?
*GC: We learn it in school, we’re taught the steps.* MR: Exactly, and to some degree it can be a source of great collective action, and emancipation, but...
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Matthew Rankin Asks “Who Owns The Twentieth Century”?
*GC: So, the history of Canada is fermenting in your mind, and then Mackenzie King comes along. When does everything begin to converge with film?* MR: Well, I read...
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