

Luma accepts pitches and previously unpublished finished works that aim to expand critical dialogue about media art and film. Submission formats can include, but are not limited to: critical essays, news, reviews, event previews, interviews, reflections, and photo or video essays. The theme for our next, and final issue, is BIPOC creators. Submissions must address culturally relevant film and media art productions, events and ideas by BIPOC creators with preference being given to Western Canadian writers and topics.

Submission deadline for Issue 025 is March 29, 2024.

Please see the mandates of EMMEDIA and CSIF before submitting.

Submission Guidelines

Click here to view our detailed pitch and finished work submissions guides. 

Multiple submissions are accepted; simultaneous submissions are not.
Successful contributors will receive an honorarium of $400 per submission per issue.

For inquiries about submissions, contact Kristen Hutchinson at: