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You searched for "The World's Best Engineer الفصل 163 المهندس الأمثل في العالم رابط تجميعي "

  • Black box, white cube, and something in the middle

    But Steenbeckett works both with and beyond nostalgia, as Dr. Fowler and Dr. David Pike (Chair of the Department of Literature at American University, Washington, DC) argued. Set up...

  • thirstDays No.08: SO WIDE SO LOW SO HIGH

    Karaoke transition. It’s Elton John’s Benny and the Jets, sung by Brit Bachmann. The final contributors are introduced—I’ve been watching for about an hour and a half. First-time collaborators...

  • thirstDays No.08: SO WIDE SO LOW SO HIGH

    Having covered love and intimacy, they move onto compassion, nearly getting hit by the “Settler Shame Train,” and moving into the segment titled “White Settler Girl Who Feels Really...

  • Queers and Our Counterparts

     This interview was held on January 5th, 2017 in Calgary, Alberta, and has been edited for length.   ANGELA FERMOR: So my name’s Angela Fermor, I’m an emerging artist...

  • As the Mind Tracks Shape... As the Mind Recalls Sound...

    In 1985, Hoffman was apprenticed to film director, screenwriter, and artist, Peter Greenaway, in Europe, where he filmed ?O,Zoo! (The Making of a Fiction Film)––nominated for Best Short Documentary...

  • Queers and Our Counterparts

    DM: Mhm. AF: —that in order to sort of validate the conversation of like a gender queer or trans body, there has to be nudity involved. NK: Hm. AF: Um… DM: Which...

  • Queers and Our Counterparts

    AF: Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I guess, I kind of explained my position, and sort why I’m asking these questions. Um, I come from a practice based almost entirely...

  • Queers and Our Counterparts

    AF: Mm. NK: —Films, you know, can occupy those spaces as well, but also have their own life via, you know, social media, and the internet, and also— AF: Yeah, they go into...

  • As the Mind Tracks Shape... As the Mind Recalls Sound...

    JN: In your 1994 film Technilogic Ordering, prolific images of the Persian Gulf War, refracted through the format of TV news, are manipulated using the mosaic function on...

  • As the Mind Tracks Shape... As the Mind Recalls Sound...

    JN: You’re known as a prolific chronicler, your camera and sound kit ever-ready to make recordings that may not make their way into resolved works for some time....