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In addition to our public funders, Luma wishes to acknowledge the generous support of the Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society for the final issue. AMAASLogo 800px Luma relies heavily...
Is it finished.
Later, I turned to Google to research these artists. Most of what came up were Facebook profiles, wedding photographers, and a lot of blank National Gallery profiles; only...
Culture & Capital: “Real failure needs no excuse” at the Esker Foundation
THE STUDIO: THE OFFICE One houses a particularly nebulous type of labour, while the other is designed specifically to execute tasks. In the studio, where process is a goal...
Culture & Capital: “Real failure needs no excuse” at the Esker Foundation
A REAL JOB A major reason that Ibghy and Lemmens have chosen to focus so intently on non-productivity in their studio practice is to disrupt the enormous external and...
Culture & Capital: “Real failure needs no excuse” at the Esker Foundation
GOOD ONE, GUYS In a time when Calgarians are feeling vulnerable around the definitions of their labour and employment, the Esker sets an example for effective mainstream cultural programming...
Totally By Yourself In This Vast Emptiness: Ted Kotcheff on "Wake in Fright"
Despite a highly acclaimed Cannes debut, the film struggled to find an audience and disappeared into total obscurity, unavailable for over four decades. In 2009, a restored version (selected...
Totally By Yourself In This Vast Emptiness: Ted Kotcheff on "Wake in Fright"
TS: What was the Australian film industry like at the time? Was it similar to Canada’s or were they more developed? TK: Yeah, they were slightly more developed...
Totally By Yourself In This Vast Emptiness: Ted Kotcheff on "Wake in Fright"
TS: So the hyper-masculinity was a result of industry? TK: Maybe it sounds like a pathology. It’s not. There was nothing else to do. TS: Do you feel colonization played...
Totally By Yourself In This Vast Emptiness: Ted Kotcheff on "Wake in Fright"
In D.H. Lawrence’s novel Kangaroo he describes it perfectly. He says you’re totally by yourself in this vast emptiness and you think the landscape is watching you. And that...
Totally By Yourself In This Vast Emptiness: Ted Kotcheff on "Wake in Fright"
TS: It feels very authentic. TK: I did have Jack Thompson who was a terrific actor and became a minor star. He worked in Hollywood and was in...