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If you tell yourself garbage is art, is it possible to be wrong?

BY Lindsay Sorell


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Maybe We Should Have Made That Doc

BY Berkley Brady

Going to the movies with director Christina Choe: morally duplicitous female protagonists, taking NANCY to Sundance, and directing the next JAMES BOND.

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1700 films, 1000 people, and 150 clubs: a not-so-Amateur Movie Database

BY Sheena Manabat

The continued role of amateur filmmakers as alternative storytellers, and the creation of the Amateur Movie Database (AMDB) at the University of Calgary.

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Blood on the Poplars: ALIEN THUNDER (1974) and the Story of Almighty Voice

BY Alana Conway, Murray Leeder

An investigation of what could have been—but wasn't—a culturally significant filmic re-telling of the RCMP's fearful and pointed brutality to Kitchi-manito-waya (Almighty Voice) from 1895-1897.

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Less Grey

BY Ted Stenson

Gillian McKercher reflects on her directorial experience, and the next steps in anticipation of the release of her first feature, CIRCLE OF STEEL, in this final installation of LUMA's three-part series.

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That's a Bad Photo

BY Declan Hoy, Uii Savage

Declan Hoy's archive of discarded film photographs found in thrift stores and piles of garbage in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario, with a response by Justyna Sawicz.

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